I feel pissed. F***ing pissed. Feel like screaming my head off, throwing stuff around and kicking someone real hard. Its hot like hell, power keeps on going away all the freaking time and i got NOTHING to do. I am bored like never before. I have absolutely nothing to write about and i am typing all this shit out of sheer irritation. Why the f**k do we need a 75 day break?? AAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!!
The holidays are turning out to be just painful now.... i can’t believe that there are still about thirty days to go. Life’s been confined to tv, facebook, gtalk and blogs.Sad, i know. Some other day i might have done a philosophical analysis of why it should be so. But today i am just gonna keep repeating that i am annoyed and bored. You can read on if you want to but this is gonna be an utterly useless post(not to say that others were any use).
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...i just used 167 words writing pointlessly.
Damn!!! Sagar’s having an influence on me.
This post can compete with his most mindless ones. 188 words. But in case you are still reading, it feels good to just blabber about nothing. The fact that i am finally writing a post and that its hardly taking any effort has somehow reduced my annoyance.
MS Word apparently has nineteen synonyms for ‘annoyed’. I didn’t know that riled and narked meant annoyed. ‘Narked’..err.. just seems like an annoying insertion of ‘r’ in ‘naked’.254 words. 'Irritated’, though a synonym of annoyed, has got just nine synonyms. Now if ‘irritated’ is synonymus with ‘annoyed’ and the later with ‘narked’, won’t that make ‘narked' synonymus with ‘irritated’??? Then why is it not in the list? Or am i missing something?
Never used the thesaurus much anyways. And that has five synonyms. Wow...315 words. I think this is enough. If nothing, it kept the screaming in my head low for about fifteen minutes.
8 years ago
thank u shaggy..
knew u wud appreciate it
je meurs d'ennui
Life's so boring. :|
just break loose..
'‘Narked’..err.. just seems like an annoying insertion of an ‘e’ in ‘naked’.254 words. I was thinking....‘irritated’..
don't u think u made a mistake there???
neways..nice blog..
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